grounded in parenting

5 Ways to Stay Grounded During Parenting Challenges

Parenting is one of life’s greatest joys, but it’s also one of its toughest challenges. There are days when nothing seems to go as planned—tantrums erupt, schedules fall apart, and patience is tested to its limits. Staying grounded during parenting challenges is crucial for your peace of mind and your family’s well-being. Here are five tips we try to follow to help navigate the tough times with grace and resilience.

1. Start with Self-Care to Stay Grounded in Parenting

It’s easy to put yourself last when juggling the demands of family life. However, neglecting self-care can leave you feeling drained and overwhelmed. Even small steps like walking, journaling, or spending five quiet minutes can make a big difference. And let’s be honest—we’ve all escaped to the bathroom behind a locked door at least once! We parents do what we gotta do to stay grounded in parenting. Am I right?

The truth is, you can’t pour from an empty cup. If your cup is empty, no one is going to be happy.

Tip for parents: Schedule self-care moments like an appointment you can’t miss. When you care for yourself, you’ll be better equipped to tackle parenting challenges.

2. Lean on Your Support System

Parenting isn’t meant to be done alone. A spouse, family member, friend, or fellow parent can be invaluable when you need advice or simply a listening ear.

I’ll admit, as a wife and mother, it’s not always easy to be on the listening end when my spouse vents. I’ve failed countless times by taking his words too personally. But I’ve learned that he needs the same things I do—grace, understanding, and a safe space to say, “I’m overwhelmed, overstimulated, and overworked.”

Stay grounded: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s delegating tasks or venting to someone who understands, leaning on others can lighten the load.

3. Focus on What You Can Control

Parenting throws curveballs—unexpected meltdowns missed appointments, or sudden changes in plans. Instead of stressing over what’s out of your control, focus on what you can manage.

For example, you might not be able to stop your child’s tantrum immediately, but you can control your response—calm and empathetic instead of reactive.

I often remind myself that kids are still learning how to handle their emotions and anxieties. I’m almost 35 years old, and I’m still learning how to cope with my anxieties. Our kids deserve the same respect we demand from them.

Just today, my kids were arguing over something trivial because neither was truly listening to the other. I finally said, “Guys, slow down and listen to each other. You’re making a big deal out of nothing. It’s called respect—try it.”

Parenting challenges become less overwhelming when you focus on your actions rather than the external chaos.

4. Practice Gratitude in the Chaos

When life feels overwhelming, it’s easy to lose sight of the good. Taking a moment to reflect on what you’re grateful for can shift your perspective. Gratitude doesn’t erase challenges, but it helps you focus on the bigger picture.

I often watch my kids and reflect on growing up with my brothers. After losing my older brother when I was nine, I tell my kids often, “What I’d give for just one more minute with him. Don’t waste time arguing over things that won’t matter tomorrow.”

At the end of the day, family is what matters most. Challenges are just a part of life, but we have so much to be thankful for.

Tip for parents: Keep a gratitude journal. Jot down three things each day that brought you joy, no matter how small. For example:

  1. I had an amazing sandwich at lunch.
  2. The kids and I shared a hilarious moment of uncontrollable laughter.
  3. I spent a peaceful moment admiring the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree.

5. Turn to Faith and Reflection to Stay Grounded in Parenting

For many parents, faith provides strength during hard times. Prayer, meditation, or reading scripture can bring peace amidst the chaos and help keep you grounded in parenting. Proverbs 22:6 reminds us, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Even on the hardest days, your efforts are building a foundation for your child’s future.

If you’re unsure how to lean on faith or want to learn more about having a relationship with God, we’d love to help. Reach out to us—we’d be honored to walk with you on this journey.

Stay grounded: Reflect on the values you want to instill in your children. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

Remember, Challenges Are Temporary

No matter how tough parenting feels right now, it won’t last forever. By staying grounded, you’ll help yourself and model resilience for your kids. Parenting challenges test us, but they also provide opportunities for growth and deeper connection.

What’s Your Go-To Tip?
How do you stay grounded during parenting challenges? We’d love to hear your insights—share them with us at [email protected]!